This course is being taught during the Fall 2017 semester at Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, Indiana.
Course Description
A study of the doctrine of humanity, comprising debates concerning human origins, the constitution of man, man in the state of integrity and the covenant of works, the human fall into sin, the nature and character of sin, the transmission of Adam’s sin to his posterity, original sin, human freedom, common grace, and the covenant of grace. (Fall, 2 hours, Prerequisite: DD 112)
Course Objectives and Outcomes
Students will develop a biblical, confessional, and historical knowledge of theological anthropology. A successful completion of this course will result in the student’s ability to define the essential issues of this theological locus and articulate a rich understanding and defense of them.
- Syllabus
- 8/30—Introduction (Word .docx | PDF)
- 8/30—Creation Accounts (Word .docx | PDF)
- 9/6—Image of God (Word .docx | PDF)
- 9/13—Dominion and Offices (Word .docx | PDF)
- 9/20—The Eschatology of the Image of God (Word .docx | PDF)
- Additional reading on the subject: Bucey dissertation, ch. 8
- 9/27—Human Constitution (Word .docx | PDF)
- Dr. Beach class notes (Word .docx)
- 10/4—Midterm (Unicode Bibles: Hebrew OT | Greek NT)
- 10/11—The Covenant of Works (Word .docx | PDF)
- 10/18—Covenant History and the Tree of Life (Word .docx | PDF)
- 11/1—The Covenant of Works and Merit (Word .docx | PDF)
- 11/8—Original and Actual Sin (Word .docx | PDF)
- 11/22—The Imputation of Adam‘s Sin (Word .docx | PDF)
- 11/29—The Historical Adam (Word .docx | PDF)
- 12/6—Free Moral Agency (Word .docx | PDF)
- 12/6—Contemporary Issues; The Covenant of Grace